Monday, October 26, 2009

Healthy Diets

Last week we Iron Brion came to school to teach us all about the 4 food groups that we need for a healthy diet. These are:
meat and meat alternatives
milk and dairy products
fruit and vegetables
breads and cereals
Afterwards we enjoyed a healthy burger with salad. Which 3 food groups were covered by this meal?
On Friday we decided to make our shared toast healthier by using wholemeal bread, a good source of fibre.

Our poem last week was Miss Polly had a Dolly. It helped us to look at words that ended in 'll', 'ss', and 'ck'. Here we are performing it with a little help from Jenny. Can you teach everyone at home the actions?

On Thursday we set the scene for our Fresh Water Stream inquiry with a talk from Mel who showed us the types of animals we might find in the stream and the equipment we will be using to study them. We looked at a film which showed what would happen to a stream if were not cared for responsibly.

With all the excitement of the holidays and the Mask Parade we forgot to publish our final piece of work from last term's Fairy Tale Inquiry about good citizenship. Apologies for those of you who have been waiting to share it with friends and family. Here it is......

In week 3 we will be learning some more about verbs and looking at the tricky word 'now'. In art we will be finishing of our fish for the calender project and looking at Van Gogh's sunflowers. Maths will continue with the focus on doubles and halves and work specific to each group. As this is just a 3 day week there will be no spelling homework.
Watch out for all the events coming up during the rest of this term, including our Kowhai syndicate performance of 'Over The Rainbow'. Please sign the list in class if you can help with supervision or transport. on any of the trips.
Monday: Library books due back
Wednesday: Walk to School Wednesday
Monday 2nd November: Kowhai Parents' Placement Meeting 2.30
Thursday 5th November: Stream study 1.30, helpers needed
Monday 30th November: Suter Visit Aquamarine 1-3pm helpers needed

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